Archive for April, 2012

Bee Alert for Friday, April 27, 2012

Thursday, April 26th, 2012

On Friday, April 27, 2012, the beekeepers will do an inspection of the beehives. It will be a detailed inspection lasting several hours. The populations are big and the beekeepers think the hives are full of honey and brood. Therefore the bees will most likely get all riled up and be in an unfriendly mood. The beekeepers will begin at 1:00 and hope to finish by 3:00.

Visit of 3rd Graders from McCall on Monday June 4, 2012

Friday, April 20th, 2012

On Monday, June 4th, a 3rd grade class from McCall will visit the garden. They are studying hunger this year, so who better to guide the tour than Janice, who will introduce them to the work of City Harvest.
Thanks, Janice!

Don’t Mess with the Mulch

Wednesday, April 18th, 2012

The mulch piled behind the fig tree and west of the gazebo was donated by a group of gardeners for use in the flower gardens and fig tree area. Please do not use.

Meredith Elementary School Visit on Tuesday April 17, 2012

Wednesday, April 18th, 2012

Nina has volunteered to guide Ms. Kuney’s Room 102 Second Graders through the garden on Tuesday April 17 from 2:00 to 3:00. This is Marcel’s son Oliver’s class, which makes it even more special. Thanks, Nina!

Garden Gifted with a Ton of Mulch

Wednesday, April 18th, 2012

Photos courtesy of Pauline

In appreciation for their hard work and generous donation, the officers sent the following letter of appreciation to Gwyn, Carolyn, Don and Pauline today:

Greetings Mulch People!

Thank you so much for all your hard work (over a ton! AWESOME!) and your generous donation ($$$$) to the garden. This work makes our beautiful space even more beautiful!

Because we want to acknowledge your efforts, we’ve decided to add a “Thank You!” section to our webpage. We will initiate this by featuring you guys in the first writeup. We plan to announce the new page at the next meeting, where we will also acknowledge your wonderful contribution.

In the meantime, we will all make an effort to make sure that signs remain in place for both the mulch and the bushes to ensure they remain where they are for use in your projects.

Thank you all again for making our garden THE BEST,

Cyndi, John, Deirdre, Barbara & Elizabeth
for the Southwark Queen Village Community Garden

PS Don, please make sure to convey our appreciation to Finn and let him know how much we appreciate his efforts too.

Garden Council Meeting 4/3/2012 – Minutes

Friday, April 6th, 2012

Attending: Row Captains, Immediate Past President, Current Officers.

1. Duties of Row Captains – The Bylaws detail the row captains’ (“RC”) duties and were reviewed. RCs were reminded to notify non-e-mailing members of special cleanups. Each RC will lead a clean-up each season. John volunteered to lead the April clean-up on April 14th. RCs are to act as a liaison between the garden members and the Executive Committee. RCs must monitor weeding in their aisles and should take a proactive (as opposed to a reactive) approach.

2. Inspections – The Bylaws detail how inspections are to be performed. Inspections are lead by three (3) members of the Garden Council , including at least one (1) officer. The inspection team may be composed of different people each month. Items to look for during inspections include: mulching, weeds, rotting food on plants, general appearance of the plot, etc. Inspectors will notify the RCs of plots needing attention and the RCs will inform the gardeners. Gardeners will have five (5) days after receiving notice to clean up their plots.

3. Watering – Thom presented the findings and recommendations of the Watering Committee. First, the water was turned on on April 2 and all the barrels have been filled. A new meter was installed by the water department. Thom estimates that 240 cu/ft of water was used to fill the barrels and the system (pipes), which translates to approximately 1,795 gallons and (based on the price per gallon) an estimated cost of $40.39. These figures are estimates based on Thom’s reading of the water meter and will need to be confirmed / verified when the water bill is received.
Each month, Thom will monitor and record the meter reading and create a spreadsheet to monitor the monthly and annual use.

Second, the Water Committee offered three (3) proposals to promote water conservation in the garden:

1) Limit use of the soaker hoses to members of the committees that are responsible for the various areas of the garden irrigated by soaker hoses. In years past, whenever the water was turned on (to fill barrels) the soaker hoses were automatically turned on as well. Similarly, City Harvest should be responsible for watering the City Harvest plots, the Flower Committee should be responsible for watering community areas that are not irrigated by soaker hoses (in addition to being responsible for watering those areas that are irrigated by soaker hoses), and the Bee Committee should be responsible for use of the water in the Honey House. This would mean that each week those gardeners who are responsible for watering duty will only need to fill the barrels each day (in addition to other responsibilities i.e. taking out the trash). Tom reported that the soakers hoses are presently turned off. The committee endorses this proposal.

2) Enforce the rule that only those gardeners who signed up for weekly watering duty be permitted to turn on the water system and fill the barrels during their designated weeks. The idea is to stop individuals from turning on the water system to fill only select barrels. The committee discussed this proposal and concern was expressed about limiting some gardeners who may have difficulty carrying water from further barrels in the event the barrel adjacent to his/her plot was low. The committee agreed that the strong preference is for only those on watering duty to fill the barrels but allow for reasonable exceptions where warranted.

3) Initiate ongoing monthly educational programs for the garden membership to include water conservation and use of drought resistant native plants. It was suggested that 10 minutes of each general membership be devoted to education. There are excellent resources such as the local Penn State Extension etc. This proposal was endorsed.

4. Fundraising Committee – A chairperson is still needed. If no one steps up and volunteers by May, the committee will be dissolved for the year. It was suggested that the position be defined because it’s not clear what the committee encompasses and what the Chairperson’s role should be. For example it may include grant writing and/or specific events such as the plant sale. Further discussion is needed.

It was noted that a chairperson is also needed for the Flower Committee. John reported that he may have a volunteer for the position and will confirm.

Cyndi reported that the QVNA has requested that the Garden put together a list of what is needed (a wish list) so that QVNA can advocate on the Garden’s behalf.

5. Dues – The proposed by-laws revisions were circulated, reviewed and discussed.

Carolyn expressed the following concerns: 1) the definition of “basic costs” is too limited and does not include items such as mulch; 2) a requirement that members who are unable to pay the full dues amount submit a written request is too formal and unnecessary; 3) inclusion of formulas showing how dues are calculated is unnecessary; and 4) the language addressing allocation of excess dues is confusing.

Kathy suggested that the period of time between when a garden member requests a hardship waiver and the date the Board rendered its decision be extended beyond a week.

Pamela made the following suggestions: 1) that the definition of basic costs be revised to add “include but not limited too…”; 2) remove the writing requirement from hardship requests; 3) remove the dues calculation formula; 4) clarify the allocation of monies to distinguish between what is available for basic costs and the rainy day fund.

Ed noted that other community gardens do not offer a senior citizen discount and proposed revising the section about hardship requests and remove the writing requirement.

It was agreed that the Treasurer’s report will be clarified at the membership meetings to identify what “buckets” hold what money. In addition we must explain to the membership that if we want to add items to be covered by the basic costs, the proposed dues will increase as well. Similarly we will identify what we can not buy at this time such as: mulch, tree trimming, bird seed and new plants.

The Executive Committee will reconvene to revise the proposed by-laws and will prepare to present them to the membership at the May garden meeting.

6. Other – The Honey House was certified by the PA Dept. of Ag. to sell honey commercially.

Agenda for 9 April 2012 (7 pm in the Garden)

Thursday, April 5th, 2012

6:45 – 7:00: Come early to pay dues, sign by-laws and NGA Agreement, and sign up for committees and watering weeks if you haven’t done so yet.


1. Introduction (Cyndi — 1 min)

2. Approval of Minutes of March Meeting (Cyndi — 1 min)

3. Treasurer’s Report (Deirdre — 3 mins)

4. Introduction of 2012 Row Captains and Committee Chairs (John — 10 min)

5. President’s Report (Cyndi – 5 min)

a. QV House Tour
b. Other Items

6. Committee & Other Reports:

a. Tips & Tools for Bug Control (Karyl — 2 min)
b. Salt Hay (Karyl – 1 min)
c. Bees (Carolyn — 2 min)
d. Signup Sheet for Community Service Committee

7. Discussion of Financing and Dues (Deirdre & Cyndi – 15 min)

a. “Buckets” and Budgeting
b. Fundraising
c. Basic Costs
d. State of Our Finances Today

8. Watering / Water Conservation (John — 10 min)

9. Q&A

Next meeting: May 14, 7:00 pm in the Garden.

Garden Council: Agenda for 3 April 2012 (7 pm at Cups & Chairs)

Sunday, April 1st, 2012

Garden Council Meeting
7 pm at Cups & Chairs
701-703 South 5th Street (across from Sweat Fitness)

1. Duties of Row Captains

2. Inspections

3. Watering

4. Fundraising Committee (lacks chair)

5. Dues