Archive for March, 2007


Sunday, March 11th, 2007

Southwark / Queen Village Community Garden (SW/QVCG) By-Laws (Revised March 2007 by the By-laws committee)
Non-compliance with the By-Laws constitutes a warning. Two warnings will lead to expulsion from the garden.

a. First priority will be given to Queen Village Residents: Delaware River to 6th Street; south side Lombard St. to the north side Washington Avenue.
b.Applications are processed on a first come, first serve basis. Order on the list is determined by date of application. The Garden Chair (or Co-Chairs) maintains the list.
c. Applicants are accepted according to plot availability. A waiting list will be maintained through March of the following year.
d. Each gardener must sign a copy of the Neighborhood Gardening Association (NGA) gardening agreement every five years AND a copy of SW/QVCG By-Laws each year at the March meeting.
e.Current gardeners have first preference to choose either their same plot or apply for a vacant plot.
f.Registration fee per plot is $15.00, $10.00 for senior citizens (60+) payable in person at the March meeting.
Every effort to complete all garden administrative requirements: the signing of garden By-Laws, the signing of the NGA agreement )as appropriate), the payment of your plot fee, and the signing-up for two weeks of watering duty should occur at the March meeting and must be completed not later than the April meeting.
g. Unless approved by membership, no household may have more than one plot.

a. Each gardener must attend at least five meetings per season to retain membership.
i. Attending less that five constitutes one warning.
ii. Absence: any gardener unable to attend at least five meetings due to health, or work requirements must inform his/her Row Captain.
b. Meetings are held on the second Monday of every month from 7:00 pm to 8. Except the months of : January and February. If the second Monday needs to be cancelled, the meeting will take place on the second Tuesday of the month.
c. Location of each meeting October through March will be at an indoor site; from April through September, each meeting will be held in the Garden.
d. Each gardener must attend at least five regular garden clean-ups per season to retain membership.
i. Attending less than five results in one warning.
ii. Absence: any gardeners unable to attend at least five meetings due to issues outside of his/her control must inform his/her Row Captain.
e. Regular garden clean-ups are held the Saturday following a garden meeting. Rain dates for clean-ups will be Sunday following a garden meeting.
f. For those who cannot make regular Saturday cleanups, a task list/sign up sheet is posted in the garden shed. Completed tasks that you record on this list are counted as a clean-up requirement.
g. Attendance for special clean-ups if needed during the season count towards your five cleanup requirements.

a. Officers are elected to a two-year term at the March meeting. The holding of an office is limited to two consecutive terms.
b. Each gardener gets one vote.
c. The officers are: Chair(s), Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary and Sargent –at-Arms.
d. The officers, Row Captains, and the immediate past garden chair (or Co-Chairs) will constitute the Garden Council.

a. One or two gardeners per row will be appointed Row Captain (or Row-Co Captains) and will server a two year term.
b. Row captain duties include:
i. Making sure each gardeners on his/her row keeps his/her garden plot free of weeds and debris and paths are clear and weed free.
ii. Making sure no items are stored in any path (except watering cans).
iii. Notifying gardeners in your row of special cleanups and other events.all meetings, clean-ups, and other activities by phone.
iv. Reminding gardeners in your row without Email service of all meetings, clean-ups, and other activities by phone.
v. Bringing concerns or grievances of a fellow gardener in your row to the attention of the officers.
vi. Will coordinate in person no less than one clean-up per season.
vii. Will regularly report on the general health of the row to the Chair and Vice-Chair (or Co-Chairs).

a. The Vice-Chair (or Co-Chairs) will Chair the By-Laws committee.
b. The officers, Row Captains, and the immediate past garde Chair (or Co-Chairs) will constitute the By-Laws Committee.
c. A quorum of five committee members is required to pass any By-Law recommendations or revisions.
d. By-Law suggestions may be presented by any gardener at any membership meeting or given to any officer for consideration by the committee.

a. Each garden plot must be cleared and planting begun no later than May 1, or the plot will be forfeited.
b. Each gardener is responsible for weeding and clearing his/her plot and the paths surrounding it.
c. Each gardener is responsible for maintaining the ‘health’ of his/her plot by removing sickly plant material, rotting plant materials and/or pest infested plants. Plots with serious infestation may be cleared at the discretion of the inspection committee.
d. Absence: Any gardener unable to maintain his/her plot due to health or work requirements must inform his/her Row Captain.. If you have a substitute gardener you must inform your Row Captain. If you require assistance, you must inform your Row Captain. Substitute gardeners must follow all of the garden by-laws and the NGA agreement.
e. Recycling should be placed in blue containers and put out after 6:00 pm the night before or before 7:00 am the morning of collection.
f. Each gardener is encouraged to mulch all soil in plot. Each gardener must chip paths surrounding his/her plot.
g. Gardening activity and plant growth must be restricted to each individual’s plot.
h. Growing or using illegal substance in the garden will lead to immediate expulsion.
i. Noxious or invasive plants (as identified and posted by the Garden Council in our large shed) must be cleared by the gardener in five days, or thereafter by persons designated by the Garden Council.
j. Pesticide use is not allowed.
k. Only produce/materials grown in a gardener’s own plot may be sold for personal profit.
l. Garden Council will determine if any of the common garden’s produce, materials, or supplies may be donated or sold. All proceeds will be turned over to the treasury for benefit of the garden only.
m. Tree climbing, except by the Orchard Committee, is forbidden.
n. Harvesting: The Chair of the Orchard Committee will determine the harvest dates of all common area fruiting plants and will notify the membership of harvesting day(s).
o. Individual gardeners may pick only enough fruit for a sampling from the arbor and orchards. Please don’t be greedy.

a. Consists of at least three members of the Garden Council (see III. d.)
b. The committee will conduct an inspection prior to the June, July and August meeting to see that all gardens and aisles are clean and weed, infestation, and hazard free.
c. The committee may issue a warning(s) to a gardener whose plot does not meet criteria and will also notify the appropriate Row Captain.

a. As Community Gardeners you are invited to participate in garden activities and preparation for special events, such as: Garden Judging, Fundraisers, Festivals, Holiday Party, Special Projects, and Fall BBQ
b. Grievances should be brought to the attention of the Row Captain. The Row Captain will convey grievances to the Garden Council for resolution.
c. No digging of worms anywhere in the garden.
d. Gardeners must stay out of others’ plots unless specifically invited.
e. Children must be accompanied by and supervised by an adult.
f. Pets brought into the garden must be restrained on a leash (including off-season) and the person responsible must clean-up any droppings, food, etc.
g. Garden plots are not transferable by a garden member.